Media - Children Disorder Clinic Salem

Awareness Videos on Mental illness

Our experts at MDC have participated in creating awareness on identifying mental illness and developmental issues among children through various symptoms and explain them the treatments available for their child.


Animation videos on Developmental disorders

MDC has put out multiple explainer videos on various developmental disorders such as autism through characters in animation to make it easier for the parents to understand its effect on the child.


Article on Food & Health Magazine

Milestones Developmental center was featured on Food & Health Magazine with an article that tells the story of Dr Priyadharsini and her journey that made her start MDC - Salem. It also captures the importance of identifying developmental disorders in children and how to overcome them through treatment.

  • Food & Health Magazine
  • Food & Health Magazine

Interview to Jawahar Channel

Dr Priyadarshini has participated in this interview part discussion on Child developmental disorders to Jawahar Channel on Women’s day. This in-depth interview deals with various issues and methods to follow while handling a Child with Developmental disorders.

Milestones Developmental Center - Press meet

The team of Milestones Developmental Center conducted an awareness event about children with Developmental disorders to audience from Rotary Club - Salem Wing, Jenney's educational trust and Consumer Voice. Also, head of Milestones Center, Dr. Priyadarshini answered questions from various media houses.


contact form


59/37 Sarada college road,

Salem 636007.

Ph: 9047033633


  • Mon-Sat: 10:00 AM to 5:30 PM
  • Sunday Holiday